Monday, June 22, 2009

i really need to pee

i forgot that when teaching summer school, you can't just leave the class when you need to go to the restroom. I have had to pee for a good seventeen minutes. the children are testing. there's thirteen minutes left of class.
maybe this'll help to write about it.

the view is amazing from this room.

one time i was in traffic on franklin blvd. and had to pee so badly i pulled over and banged on the door of some building on the corner of franklin brea ( i think).  at first the woman who answered told me that there were no public restrooms. I said, "look, i was in traffic and i have to go SO badly that i pulled over and am here asking to use your restroom. I'll take anything i can get ( i don't know what i meant by that).  PLEASE."  she saw the i-am-going-to-piss-myself look in my eyes and let me in.  felt so good. 

several years ago on 4th of July I had to go so badly that a friend of mine ushered me into the front of a port-a-potty (sp?) line and told ALL of the people that we cut in front of to just relax because i was doing the peepee dance so badly that i couldn't get on  the ferris wheel.  when i finally let it out it, was close to the best sensation of my life. 

the fireworks afterwards was also fucking amazing .

i was able to take care of business shortly after the phrase "felt so good." the last paragraph and sentence was completed hours later...just keepin' it real.

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