Yesterday, I took the day off. I needed it. It was wonderful. I don't use my "personal" days enough-- actually, I rarely do and rarely ever have. If you have "personal" days, use them because there's few things better than your alarm going off same as it does every morning and you realizing: hell yes... i don't gotta listen to this. i'm going to bed. it's (your name here) day.
I woke the usual time, then laid there. I let the sunlight shine through the blind. I read a little. I realized my freedom let me go to a yoga class. It was an awesome class with hot men there ( hot men that looked straight that i may never see again until my next thursday off). After that, I went home and did the dishes. The rest of my day belonged to friends, either in person, on the phone, or via interweb.
Here is a list of other accomplishments of trin day:
- I read something that said something along the lines of everything we seek being already within us. amen, Osho.
- I got to do whatever I wanted and got paid for it.
- I am sore today from yesterday's physical activity.
- I established friendship with my summer crush. we had a wonderful conversation. i felt great about it.
- I decided that Friday, I would go to the beach.
- Stress about that thing called money went away when i realized that I had much to be thankful for.
- I slept like a baby and didn't go to the dark side before bed.
So, today, after work, I drove to the beach. there was no traffic. I people watched and stayed there until sundown. drove home in traffic rocked out in the car. randomly texted people. Now i'm here in my snuggly bed about to hop in the shower and grab the next warm body i find hoping to have sex with him. hahaha. or make out. or just kiss? pray for me.
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