Friday, June 11, 2010


a) give yourself a foot massage
b) write in your blog
c) try and make sweet love to any man that moves
d) go back to the sacred act of makin' sweet love
e) get an easy to manage, lower vibrational "boyfriend" so you can feel "happy"
f) eat some delicious Pocky
g) take vibrationally higher lovers and enjoy it because they're not yours to lose
g) trim cuticles with cuticle trimmers, trim fingernails with teeth
h) during art walk, be a demo for a hair salon and get a cut& dry on the sidewalk for cheap
i) fantasize, daydream, then touch yourself in an according and satisfying fashion
j) have an awkward interaction with your neighbor
k) change a few lightbulb because they "could go any minute now"
l) type this sent e nce like you're a dj at the mixing board
m) read poetry
n) up and leave
o) think of how much you love your friends
p) lick your lips
q) receive some magical affirmation from the universe that your beloved is on the way
r) get some sleep
s) make a wish
t) say mantra
u) try on different outfits and re-purge your closet
v) keep remembering that anything can happen
w) love that you can sleep in tomorrow
x) regret spending so much money today, then realize that does no good and it doesnt matter
y) be happy that all of your decisions today were felt yesses
z) never settle for less than what makes you the happiest you can be

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