so says the tao teh ching.)
you were afraid of waking the neighbors.
you were scared of walking through my living room
so you crawled through my window.
i thought you were joking.
all throughout the night,
while we were not cuddling,
i had the construction people build a twisty slide
for my escape.
it was chilly out when i left.
i hired my dentist to wait at the bottom
for the sole purpose of handing out lollipops.
this one has a magic window.
through this window you can look out of all of Los Angeles
late at night
and imagine what the nightshift is doing in the buildings
with elevators racing up and down.
"oooh. interesting."
yes. i knew you'd like it.
this couch here is for fake yawns, caressing, and lit cigarettes.
go ahead, you can touch it. feels real, doesn't it?
"mm hmm....oh, and how about the bedroom?"
oh, i was saving that for the end, madame.
the bedroom room has music
that pops out of very tiny speakers
installed in all six of its corners.
when the jukebox of love is on,
it sounds like a very tiny circus
is playing familiar songs far off in the distance...
"i see.
i'll take it."
she had to watch her head.
the latch jutted out from ceiling
when the window was open.
her hair got caught on it
this make out room was meant for people
who were used
to military crawling along the grounds
of mine swept
and wanting hearts.
she knew he was a native to that land,
it wasn't until the sun came up
that she noticed all the scalps.